
Stewardship Information


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Stewardship FAQ

How do I become a member of the Annunciation parish?

Membership in the Orthodox Church begins at Baptism (or Chrismation, for some) and continues throughout our life. We are united with Christ through the Sacraments, or mysteries, of the Church and through our faithful offering of our entire selves to Jesus Christ. Under our Archdiocese’s regulations, a voting member of our parish is, generally, an individual over 18 years of age who submits a signed Stewardship commitment card for the year, committing a portion of time, talent and treasure to the Church. Voting members must remain current throughout the year on their commitments. We should keep in mind that true membership in the Body of Christ involves living according to His Word and within His Church.

Is Stewardship mandatory? Can’t I just pay dues?

Stewardship has replaced the "dues" system years ago. With the dues system, everyone was told their obligation and that is what they paid. With Stewardship, your obligation of both time and money are your decision, after reflecting on what you are able to give.

Will people know what I give?

The amount you commit will remain confidential. This information will only be shared with the parish priest and the Stewardship Committee responsible for administering the program. Members of this committee sign a confidentiality agreement in connection with their obligations. Do I commit less because I am a senior?

Your individual or family contribution is a matter of individual decision, regardless of your age or family situation. There is no "minimum" or "suggested" contribution.

What will I receive for my Stewardship?

You will be a parishioner of the community in good standing and entitled to vote in the parish assemblies. You will also have the right to receive all Sacraments without further financial obligation. (Of course, your qualification to receive Sacraments from the Orthodox Church is subject to other factors and is ultimately determined by the parish priest.)

I come to church regularly and contribute into the tray. Do I have to give a Stewardship commitment as well?

Both the tray and the Stewardship commitment are used to finance the needs of the Church. If you would like to make your Stewardship commitment on a weekly basis at the Divine Liturgy, simply use the Stewardship envelopes provided to you with your individual Steward number and deposit it into the tray. Alternatively, you can hand your envelope to a Stewardship Committee member or deposit it in the Stewardship box located in the narthex. We want to make sure that you are able to fulfill your commitment in a way that is most convenient for you. The less time we spend administering the Stewardship program, the more time we have to bring new and exciting spiritual and cultural programs to you and your fellow parishioners.

Is my Stewardship commitment tax deductible?

Generally, contributions to charitable organizations are tax deductible. An annual Stewardship statement and receipt will be sent to you for tax purposes. Nevertheless, please be sure to consult with your tax advisor.

What if I cannot fulfill my Stewardship commitment?

During the course of a year, people’s circumstances change. Your Stewardship is valued because it is made out of your love for God and His Church. All financial situations are subject to fluctuation and you will never be denied any rights or privileges from the Church due to a change in your financial situation. The parish priest has the right to excuse or pardon someone’s Stewardship commitment after discussion.

Can I pay my Stewardship commitment over time or charge it to my credit card?

Absolutely. You may indicate on your card that you wish to have your commitment paid in periodic monthly installments. Simply indicate on your commitment card how frequently we should charge your card or arrange for periodic direct withdrawals by calling the Church office.

How Do We Abide in Jesus?

We abide in Jesus Christ when follow His example and love, serve and support the Church which is His Body. When we abide in Christ, we express this through generosity and devotion, especially in our financial stewardship and acts of personal generosity. Bearing fruit in the world is the visible result of our abiding in Christ.

How Can I Pay What I Can Towards My Stewardship?

Just click the "Support Our Parish" image above, button link or QR Code to contribute to your annual stewardship to support the ministries of the Annunciation Church of Stamford. You may make a one time Stewardship contribution of your choice for the calendar year or you may choose to make monthly installments of to fit your current budget. You can cancel your monthly stewardship contribution at any time by calling the church office directly at 203-322-2093.
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